Performing Under Pressure: Steps to Excelling in High-Stress Environments

In today's fast-paced world, individuals in high-pressure, high-performance roles face the tremendous challenge of achieving and maintaining optimal performance while operating under stress. Whether you're a team leader or team player, military or law enforcement personnel, an elite athlete, or frontline worker, the ability to deliver your best when the pressure is on is essential. In this blog, we unpack how to perform under pressure, achieve your goals, and build a foundation that sustains excellence in high-stress environments.

First, Understand the Relationship between Stress and Performance

While many of us may assume that stress invariably hampers performance, the reality is far more complex. Excessive stress can become overwhelming, generate anxiety, and reduce cognitive performance [1]. Similarly, too little stress can actually lead to decreased or minimal motivation, and lacklustre results [1]. Most importantly, stress without adequate rest can lead to burnout over time - but stress, with regular rest, can lead to compounding growth.

Second, Frame Stress Correctly

It may seem counterintuitive, but we need to find the sweet spot of experiencing moderate stress. Experiencing moderate stress leads to heightened  focus, alertness, and helpful or adaptive energy [2] - especially if we recognize that stress is enhancing. Harnessing this optimal level of stress can elevate our performance and propel us through day-to-day challenges with resilience and focus.

Next, Find the Right Mindset
A fundamental contributor to performance under pressure is your mindset. Self-doubt and negative self-talk are common challenges faced by individuals in high-pressure environments, which can have a profound impact on their performance and ability to recover from setbacks [3]. When individuals question their abilities or second-guess their decisions, it undermines their confidence and creates a cycle of negativity that interferes with focus, motivation, and overall performance.

It is important to understand the two major types of mindsets: a fixed mindset and a growth mindset:

  • A fixed mindset is the belief that one's qualities and abilities are innate and unchangeable. This can lead individuals to perceive setbacks as indicators of inherent limitations or shortcomings, thereby hindering their personal growth and resilience [4].

  • A growth mindset is the belief that skills and abilities can be developed through hard work and dedication. This emphasizes the significance of effort and hard work in achieving positive outcomes, particularly in learning environments [4].

We often assume that a growth mindset is the best approach to overcoming challenges, as adopting this mindset means that setbacks are framed as opportunities for improvement rather than a personal failing. However, acknowledging the role of fixed, innate skills is also important for success in high pressure situations. Specifically, individuals in high-pressure environments need to adopt a growth mindset and believe in their ability to develop their skills through effort and perseverance, but must also appreciate their unique capabilities and innate abilities that set them apart from others. This combination of mindsets fosters a balanced approach that values both personal growth and the inherent qualities that contribute to success.

Remember Knowledge is Power

In order to truly excel in high-stress environments and perform under pressure, individuals need access to the right knowledge and tools that empower them to thrive. This is where renowned sport psychologist, mental performance coach, and WellIntel Speaker Dr. Alex Auerbach comes in. With his extensive experience working with executives, elite athletes, military personnel, and other top performers, Dr. Auerbach has developed a deep understanding of the psychological and emotional challenges that individuals face in high-pressure situations.

Dr. Auerbach offers two WellIntel Talks that provide practical guidance and strategies on optimizing performance. Visit our website to learn more about Dr. Auerbach’s wellness and performance talks. His talks on performing under pressure are offered in-person in Toronto, as well as other areas of Canada, and online. Click to book Dr. Auerbach for your next training event, education session, or keynote for high performing attendees.

Written By: 

Alex Auerbach, PhD, WellIntel Talks Speaker


[1] Palazzolo, J. (2020). Anxiety and performance. L'Encephale, 46(2), 158–161.

[2] Smith, S. (2021, May 5). The Right Amount of Stress for Peak Performance. Bench Sci.

[3] Sarkar, M. & Page, A. E. (2022) Developing individual and team resilience in elite sport: Research to practice. Journal of Sport Psychology in Action, 13(1), 40-53.

[4] Roth, A. R., & Schaefer, A. F. (2019). Growth vs. Fixed Mindset and Perceived Stress in First and Second Year Medical Students. The FASEB Journal, 33(S1), 442.4–442.4.


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