Psychological Health & Safety

The Building Blocks to Psychological Health and Safety in the Workplace

There has been increasing discussion within workplaces surrounding the importance of fostering mental health among employees. A newer term that has been used to describe this workplace goal is ‘psychological health and safety.’ But what does this really mean?

Steven's talk provides foundational information about psychological health and safety, simplifying its technical aspects into fundamental and actionable building blocks for audience members. Specifically, this presentation delves into the challenges surrounding mental health at work and discusses how factors such as trust, communication, and support can cultivate a psychologically healthy and safe workplace, proactively address legal requirements, and help employers facilitate such strategies. Steven encourages engagement and interactions among audience members to ensure that the psychological health and safety strategies are relevant and tailored to all attendees.  

Steven’s talk is designed for professionals at all levels within their organization who are interested in promoting psychological health and safety for both themselves, and for others within their workplace. Whether you're an executive/owner committed to creating a culture of well-being at work, a manager seeking to develop a supportive team culture, or a human resource professional looking to implement effective policies, this wellness session offers valuable insights and practical strategies for all employees to support both organizational success and individual well-being in today's fast-paced world.

After this talk, attendees will be able to…

  • Explain key terms related to psychological health and safety.

  • Explore essential skills for promoting a psychologically healthy and safe workplace.

  • Understand the importance of psychological safety and well-being at work.

  • Gain an understanding of the current and emerging legislative requirements

Interested in this psychological health and safety talk? Get in touch!

Steven provides workplace wellness speaking services in Vancouver, BC, and virtually across Canada. He also loves to travel, so contact us to inquire about opportunities in other cities.

Looking for a longer, hands-on session?
Steven also provides a psychological health and safety wellness workshop!

“We've had nothing but fantastic reviews about Steven's presentation, both as a presenter and the content.  It was extremely well done.”

Rob, Manager, Health and Safety, School District No. 22 (Vernon)
